Physics on the Playground

“Noa, what are you doing?” questions Jose.

“I’m giving this rock a swing!” giggles Noa.

“Will that work?  asks James. “I think the rock will fall off!”

We all stop what we are doing to observe Noa cautiously pull the swing back a few feet and let it go.

“Hey! It didn't fall off! How did you do that?” James and Eleanor are now running to see what this latest investigation is all about.

“Well, sometimes it falls off. I think when I push it too hard and jiggly, it falls off!” theorizes Noa.

“This time I pulled it. I think if I pull it, it stays on better than if I push it.”

Noa is doing research and gathering information and creating theories.

This is physics! Look around your classroom, I bet your students are playing with physics also! Physics is simply the study of matter and how it interacts with energy and forces,  Maybe it wasn’t in the science center. Maybe it was in the block area, or dramatic play or very likely on the playground! Playground physics can happen on the slide, swings, teeter totters (who’s lucky enough to still have those?) or climbing gyms.

Noa’s curiosity and inquisitive nature have not only integrated STEM concepts into our play, but now the gang is practicing the steps of Scientific Methods. Do you remember sitting at a desk in grade school and learning/memorizing the steps of the Scientific Method for the science test on Friday?

Scientific Method

  1. Ask a question

  2. Gather information and observe (research)

  3. Make a hypothesis (guess the answer)

  4. Experiment and test your hypothesis

  5. Analyze your test results

  6. Present a conclusion

I didn’t “learn” the scientific method. I memorized it. Noa and the gang are living it. They are out in the sunshine, creating their own hands-on learning of the scientific method. This is what child-led learning looks like! Our very basic playground equipment is a constant source of investigation into scientific theories.

“What if you push it lightly? Then will it stay on?” asks Eleanor.

“I think sol! Let me try it” suggests Thalhah joining in the experiment.

“I think it will be too fast and bumpy” chimes in Saaliha.

I listen as they make predictions, test those  predictions and tweak their techniques as they work their way to a conclusion. Sure, I could “introduce” the whole Method of Science steps but why would I interrupt the investigation, the collaboration, and the learning that is happening at this moment?(See Scientific Method step #1, ask a question! Haha)

Do I want to interrupt these children who are discovering how even small amounts of motion and force can propel a pendulum? Playground swings are pendulums! Noa and the gang are learning about pendulums, gravity, force, motion, inertia, push, pull, simple machines, and … Newton’s Law!  We are working with what is perceived as advanced science by simply playing with a swing and a rock on a preschool playground. What seems like difficult science concepts are often deceptively simple when we give our children time, materials and space to explore.

There will come a time when we can discuss any or all of these scientific terms and topics. I usually grab a book or two before naps to connect the dots between the story that we read and what happened earlier today on the playground. The experiment will weave it’s way back into conversations during lunch or snack, in the block area or at the art center. There will be opportunities to expand on this moment of play.  As the research continues, the rocks are replaced with a dinosaur, deepening our investigation a bit more.  

As an educator, this is our chance to document the learning!  Consider yourself the collector of the data for this scientific investigation! Collect data through photos, and conversations. Document what worked and didn’t work. Capture the discussions and theories as they work through their ideas. Grab those assesment sheets and check off most of your science standards! There is science behind all that fun! What looks like play to the adults, can be your science curriculum for the week.

Young children are natural scientists who are constantly exploring the world around them.  Science stimulates children's inquiry and problem-solving skills, and also supports children's social and language skills. What could be more fun than playground science?

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